Hello & welcome to my blog, I am a Brooklyn based snapper (Originally hailing from the Shire, England) just doing my stuff and documenting a few bits and bobs along the way, I am currently available for projects and commissions so if you like what I do and need a photographer for your event or upcoming project then drop me a line... Thanks for stopping by - keep on keeping on... Martin
please note all images are copyright Martin Roe for usage rights please get in touch... thanks

Obamarama on wax

Tuesday, January 26, 2010 | |

Michelle Obama's waxwork model was unveiled this morning by Fourth Graders from Harlem's PS 192 at Madame Tussauds, never done a trip to Tussauds before, eerie to say the least but looked alot like her and worth a visit if youre passing by times square any time soon